For monthly contracts

Careers at Sakura Mobile

At Sakura Mobile, we put a strong emphasis on having an open and global environment as a workplace. We are looking for talented, energetic and empathic people who are passionate by providing the best solutions for our customers and giving them the highest level of satisfaction.
We also care about our employees and strive to give you the best support and training should you wish to join us. 

Current openings


(click title to jump details)

Short Description

Required Skill

Operations staff
VISA support
Reply to customer’s inquiry. Packaing and Shipping.

TOEIC: 700 (or equivalent)

Operations Staff
(Team ledaer)

VISA support
Manage operations team members. Improve operations process.

TOEIC: 700 (or equivalent)

Operations Staff VISA support

Job Description

As an operations staff member, your tasks will mainly be focused on two areas:

  1. Shipping Line:
    You will prepare customers’ order in accordance with the invoices and make sure that orders are ready before postal services come for pickup. A decent level of Japanese is required to understand directions and interact with the postal services’ companies (Sagawa, Japan’s Post, Yamato etc.)
  2. Customer Support:
    You will provide high-end quality support with troubleshooting issues, assist customers with our products through e-mail and phone calls. Even though most of our e-mails and phone calls are in English, if your Japanese qualifies, you might have to deal with Japan queries in Japanese.


【どこ】 職場は新宿駅徒歩5分の場所にあり、アクセスが非常に便利です。オフィスも2017年4月に改装したばかりなので非常にきれいな環境です。近くにはヒルトン東京、ハイアットリージェンシー、京王プラザホテルなどが連なる西新宿はインバウンドの中心です。

【だれと】 メンバーは国際色豊か。アジア・ヨーロッパ・北米など6か国越える国の出身や在住経験をもった仲間との日常会話や関わりもきっと大きな財産になります!!

【どんなこと】 外国人のお客様からのメールやチャットでの対応やオフィスに来たお客様の対応、注文に対して商品発送をしてもらいます。 また、サービスをよくするための意見を提案していただきたいと考えております。

【こんな人】 英語を活かした仕事がしたい! 海外での留学、在住経験を活かした仕事がしたい!

Required Skills

TOEIC: :700 (or equivalent)

Working location

Otakibashi Pacifica Bld. 9th Fl. 7-10-18, Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Google map

About 5 min walk from JR Shinjuku Sta.
About 6 min walk from Keio line Shinjuku Sta.
About 2 min walk from Oedo subway line Nishi-Shinjuku Sta.

Working Hours

  • 9:30 ~ 18:30
  • 8 hours working time + 1 hour lunch break
    Overtime work: about 5-20 hours in a month.


    JPY 3,000,000 – JPY 3,600,000 (200,000 Yen ~ 220,000 Yen per month)
    Transportation fee: commuter pass : up to 20,000 yen / mo
    Bonus : 1 times per year.

    Days off

  • Every weekend (Sat/Sun)
  • You will have to work one weekend per month. You will get compensatory leaves the week following this specific weekend.
  • Special leaves
  • – New year
    – Paid leave
    – Maternity or Childcare leave

    How to apply

    Directly send your resume through application form

    Operations Staff (Team ledaer) VISA support

    Job Description

    1. You will be responsible for managing orders and shipments.
    2. Good time management, productivity and trustworthiness are required to ensure that operations run smoothly.
    3. Maintain, manage and assign roles for team members. Our team is composed of international members including but not limited to: international students, foreigners on a working visa etc.
    4. It is necessary to have a good sense of cooperation and empathy to understand customers’ needs, manage their expectations and report to your hierarchy and team members accordingly.

    1.訪日外国人旅行客や留学生から入る商品の注文管理。 効率よくミスなくお客様に商品を届けられるチーム運営が求められます。
    2.訪日外国人旅行客や留学生からチャットやメールでのカスタマーサポート。またそのチームの統括。 留学生や外国人スタッフを含むチームの統括になりますので多様性に対する対応力が求められます。
    3.お客様の声を拾い上げ、商品開発やサービス改善、HP改善の提案。 お客様のニーズを常に感じ経営陣へ伝えることができる能力が求められます。
    4.上記発送管理、カスタマーサポートチームの統括を行う上での課題発見とその改善提案。 社員やアルバイトと経営陣の橋渡しができる能力が求められます。

    Required Skills

    TOEIC: :700 (or equivalent)

    Working location

    Otakibashi Pacifica Bld. 9th Fl. 7-10-18, Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
    Google map

    About 5 min walk from JR Shinjuku Sta.
    About 6 min walk from Keio line Shinjuku Sta.
    About 2 min walk from Oedo subway line Nishi-Shinjuku Sta.

    Working Hours

  • 9:30 ~ 18:30
  • 8 hours working time + 1 hour lunch break
    Overtime work: about 5-20 hours in a month.


    JPY 4,000,000 – JPY 5,000,000 (280,000 Yen ~ 380,000 Yen per month)
    Transportation fee: commuter pass : up to 20,000 yen / mo
    Bonus : 1 times per year.

    Days off

  • Every weekend (Sat/Sun)
  • ※There are 2 working days on Sat and Sun per month. If you work on weekends, compensatory leave will be granted.
  • Special leaves
  • – New year
    – Paid leave
    – Maternity or Childcare leave

    How to apply

    Directly send your resume through application form

    Application Form