- Initial fee
- 5,500 JPY (tax incl.)
- Installation
- No installation needed
- Activation time
- Right away
- Easy of relocation
- Easy to move
- Coverage
- Most of Japan*2
- Speed
- Great
- Stability
- Great
- HD video
- Excellent
- Online gaming
- Good
- Good for people who
- Want to keep setup costs to a minimum
- Live in a share house or dormitory
- Move residence frequently
- Initial fee
- 5,500 JPY (tax incl.)
(3,300 JPY - 25,300 JPY, tax incl.) - Installation
- Installation needed
- Activation time
- 1 week to 1 month
- Easy of relocation
- Fixed
- Coverage
- All of Japan*2
- Speed
- Excellent*3
- Stability
- Excellent
- HD video
- Excellent
- Online gaming
- Excellent
- Good for people who
- Require a stable connection for video calls/gaming
- Need to download/upload a lot of data quickly
- Have multiple users (families, etc.)
- Activation fee
- 5,500 JPY (tax incl.)
(3,300 JPY - 25,300 JPY, tax incl.) - Installation
- Installation needed
- Activation time
- 2 weeks to 1 month
- Easy of relocation
- Fixed
- Coverage
- Majority of Japan*2
- Speed
- Outstanding
- Stability
- Excellent
- HD video
- Outstanding
- Online gaming
- Outstanding
- Good for people who
- Require a stable connection for video calls/gaming
- Have multiple users/devices (families, etc.) and high bandwidth requirements
- See the FAQ here: About our 10 Gbps Service